Sunday, December 6, 2009
What Are Some Good Horror Song
soon you will see a few chapters of Dear Parliament directly on Youtube
Monday, November 9, 2009
Picking The Right Dsm Gaf
Projecting Dear Parliament open to the public Thursday, November 12 at the Faculty of Sociology, University of Urbino.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Chronotherm Cm700 Instrukcja Obslugi
Note Printing
Carlo Podda FP CGIL Secretary General National
the CA of the press
On May 5, 2009, at 14:30, at the Kodak Hall (Casa del Cinema, Villa Borghese , Rome), the Civil Service will present Cgil data on temporary employment in public administration and stop on the stabilization.
The first part of the initiative, which will take part in the Secretary General of the FP-CGIL, Carlo Podda, will take the form of a press conference. Here some precarious the government will intervene.
At the end of the press conference will be screened the documentary "Dear Parliament. The documentary will be introduced by a debate in which the filmmaker Giacomo Faenza will take part.
The media are invited to attend.
Rome, May 2, 2009
Secretary General FP CGIL Nazionale - Via Leopoldo Serra, 31 - 00153 Roma Tel
06.58544445 - fax 06.5897296
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Protouch Straightened
discovered by chance after a month delay ... better late than never!
Paolo D'Agostini,
April 2, 2009 the cinema can be "service"?
Art should not be "serving" is not to be didactic or propaganda? Good question. Now, aside from talking about that film - and, today, even more generally audiovisual communication - we speak of an object by its hybrid nature, which in fact is never just art, you may recall that earlier were for one reason or another memory: the revolutionary Soviet cinema of the twenties, many artists (not just directors) who have become propagandists of the Republican Spain during the Civil War, the accession of many of Hollywood big shots to the reasons of war propaganda during the Second World War. Perhaps there are emergencies in which all are called to cope.
I do not know if it is appropriate to speak of an emergency in the three current cases that come to mind. But reporters. One. The TV movie (I would avoid the monstrosity lexical "fiction") "Bread and Freedom" on the figure of Giuseppe Di Vittorio, directed by Alberto Negrin, starring Pierfrancesco Favino. The product had a lot of figurines of the album, it contained many falls in the summary and superficial (Palmiro Togliatti was not one speck there), had overall below the potential offered by a historical figure of extraordinary richness. However, it was brought home a great result to have done so, we have succeeded, to be aired on the flagship television network RAI, to have achieved excellent ratings. Without the budget it was worth, was worth an attempt to offer intelligent entertainment and instructional television - why not - education and teaching. Two. Although I have my doubts about the operation I find interesting is the fact that a large banking group (Intesa Sanpaolo) has named three film artists of the first magnitude, and that three directors such as Olmi, Salvatores and Sorrentino have accepted the invitation. It will make three short films for a campaign in favor of the Trust. With all the possible doubts is a formula that deserves attention and interest. Three. Finally I want to remember the smallest thing but perhaps the most valid of all. A young director, Giacomo Faenza (who like many young people involved in the communication is a bit 'of everything, from writing scripts to work in newsrooms tv show), played a large inquiry questioning around the whole of Italy hundreds of young and old on their knowledge of the Republican Constitution, their expectations, their disappointments, with special reference to seminal articles of the Charter at work, the right to work. The documentary (which only assembles one behind the other interviews, to chapters dedicated to each article of the Constitution) is called "Dear Parliament and is a cross-section very enlightening. Unfortunately did not have heavy traffic. Keep an eye on the title and take the chance if it happens.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Groin Pull Recovery Pho
Dear Parliament will aired a preview on Current TV (Sky channel 130) on 1 May at 21:20
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Can I Wash A Mattress Egg Crate M
interview Chiara Ugolini
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Hutch Trickstar Color
Dear Parliament will be broadcast on Current (Italy Sky channel 130) on 1 May at 21:00.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Rubbermaid Roughneck Replacement Lid
Projection "Dear Parliament" in the presence of students, President Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, the Rector Professor show Guido Fabiani and other law.
Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, "Do not ever give up, even though the temptation may be. It happened to me in the winter of '44 ..."
Giacomo Faenza: "Work is our tom tom, is a navigation system that tells you who you are, where you are going to point you in the universe of human relations make up society. Basically makes you aware, and therefore free. I guess that's why our Democratic Republic is based on the work. To have free citizens, not blackmail. On the other hand, if the job does not give a minimum of guarantees or missing, it means that democracy has no basis, no foundation. So it is in danger. "
the end of my speech I asked for those wishing to defend the Constitution to stand up, just to see how many we were. They all got up. Then I asked him to swear on Article. 4, paragraph two of the Constitution. They swear everyone "I swear that I shall devote the effort-without fear and in good faith - an activity or function, according to my ability and my choice - that contributes to the material or spiritual progress of society. "
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Snowmobile Salvage Ottawa
TUESDAY March 17, 2009 - 18:00 PM
Palazzo Marini, Sala della Mercede - Via della Mercede 55, Rome
The SV is invited to the screening of the documentary
"Dear Parliament and other wonderful tales "
Giacomo Faenza
Follows is a meeting with the director
event and was invited Mr
President of the Chamber of Deputies Gianfranco Fini.
the screening is open to the public.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Side Rails On The Aluminum Boat
Press Office of the Chancellor Staff
UNIVERSITA 'degli Studi Roma Tre
Invitation printing Rome, March 2, 2009
President Oscar Luigi Scalfaro
meets the students of Rome
Screening of documentary Giacomo Faenza
Tuesday, March 10 - 10 hours
Rectorate and the Faculty of Law of 'Roma Tre University
Aula Magna - Via Ostiense 159, Rome
Speakers: Prof. Guido Fabiani
- Rector of the University Roma Tre
Prof. Paolo Benvenuti - Dean, Faculty of Law
Giacomo Faenza - Director Prof. Stefano Maria
Cicconetti - Professor of Constitutional Law Prof. Giampiero Proia
- Professor of Labour Law
Ettore Scola attend the
"Dear Parliament" is a documentary on youth and employment in the Italy of 2008. To realize were selected and interviewed 158 Italian citizens aged between 20 and 40. Produced by Jean Vigo Italy (55 minutes), spread in 9 chapters that tell the tales in the form of articles of the Constitution that talk about work. The following are excerpts of interviews of young people who say what they think without reservation of the institutions, reflect the difficult economic situation faced at work and reveal their moods, they think about a future increasingly uncertain business. In the last chapter, entitled "Dear Parliament", report to Parliament the most pressing business problems to solve.
"Dear Parliament" to document if and how the first articles of the Constitution have been put into practice in the Italy of 2008. Last but not least, represents an attempt to resume a dialogue between young people and the institutions, dialogue in recent years, this part seems more than ever to compromise. Dear
Parliament has been produced with the support of the Ministry of Heritage and Culture - Directorate General for Cinema.
10 am - Greetings
Prof. Guido Fabiani - Rector of the University Roma Tre
Prof. Paolo Benvenuti - Dean, Faculty of Law
Screening of the documentary "Dear Parliament" (55 ')
11.30 - Posts
Giacomo Faenza - author of the film
Prof. Stefano Maria Cicconetti - Professor of Constitutional Law Prof. Giampiero Proia
- Professor of Labour Law
Oscar Luigi Scalfaro
meets students
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Broken Capillaries Lip
Hopefully we can organize the screening at Parliament! Will take place 'on March 17 in the presence, I hope, among the most senior of the state. Just some news I'll be the first to know.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Is It Ok To Get A Brazillian Wax When Pregnant
March 10, University Roma Tre, Rome.
Outstanding projection assembly hall in the presence of `President Emeritus of the Republic Oscar Luigi Scalfaro , and director Ettore Scola .
We are organizing screenings in other Italian universities: Milan, Perugia, Bari
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Are Rubbermaid And Closetmaid Compatible
Dozens of
Mimandaunamico Card? Require, with only 40 € you will have a card that gives you access to discounts provided at all affiliated Mimandaunamico circuit. The circuit is expanding and are now settled all over the country.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Blue Prints For Robot Kites
projection in Perugia.
February 12 is confirmed the projection of Parliament at the cinema Caro Peacock of Perugia, 21.30. `This will be the director, are invited to take the mayor and representatives of local institutions.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Velba And Her Daughter
hoping to please, the link will result in an interview that I issued in December 2008. explains the project, his intentions, as is born, as I found people to interview.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Personal Festival Invitation Letter
What Happens At A Atheist Wedding