Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Recall Dentist Letter Sample

The homework

Hello Maurizio
as you had pointed out to dinner on Friday I found two of Latin homework of the school year 1972 / 3 (2 'high school A), autographed by the legendary " Albertine "And as he told her:" The student shows signs of improvement between the two homework, but you must apply. "
Hello and hope in the next King Farouk
nano nano

Gnomiz Hello, you're better than a Mac .... you can find the "file" which he had long forgotten. I congratulate you not for the votes taken, because in the words of Silvio: "I stink," I fear that these tasks and their good grades in Latin date from the previous period than when the Mars decided to undergo spontaneous all'antidoping also translating half of the Latin version was not dictated dall'Albertina ..............
A large greeting continues to rediscover and return to teaching material for the blog.


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