Dedicated to Barbacucciolo now does not shut up even in his sleep ...
Children, children come a bit 'to see,
there is a man who, with the words we knows how to juggle.
Children, children Statele
to hear what he says because there are worlds to discover.
too, the years when I was a single digit,
one day I met the benches of the school,
said, "time has always in a hurry, take away the hours,
you grow up but do not forget what today you into the heart.
Because every kid has a world of dreams and fantasy
, which then becomes great when all too often, for fear, throw it away. "
Then, children stay to listen
the juggler who will teach you to learn
and who has the desire can get on
to ride the lines of "nursery rhymes in heaven and on earth."
Then, perhaps you will tell the story of the man who gave
stories, every day the streets
however, to carelessness or lack of memory
it wrong characters, it's also the story wrong.
Thus, despite the great commitment and happiness,
adults from every spot, again via the hunt
saying: "It's inexcusable, it can not be
tolerate that fairy tales, this man, tell her so bad. "
With this, you will certainly
easy to see that big are too small to understand that
, who missed a short story by mistake or test
from old history it can give rise to a new one.
smile in the sky the moon with the sun when the juggler
or invented words, with his colors, he draws a thousand stories on the paper
boundless imagination.
Children at this point I leave the singing
and I hope that this story is a clear moral
but my best wishes, largest, and each day of life, along with
juggler, you smile sweetly
.... and that of his Barbamamma " tell "is a small teacher.
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